Monday 20 September 2010

Conductor, Visionary and Cheerleader - Part 1: Conductor

Without doubt some of the key traits of software development management are that of:

• Conductor

• Visionary

• Cheerleader

...amongst many others, as development managers I know this sounds egotistical and self
promotionalist, but nevertheless I'll be bold and arrogant enough to continue what I believe
to be some of the key traits.

As a conductor - our role also depends on our ability to trust our sense of reading others
and seeing if they will fit in within the makeup of the team. If you find you've inherited a
team of prima donna's, that exhibit signs that they believe they alone know what the right
way to do things is and that all others are 'lesser beings' .... you may know the type...Well
then if and when you get an opportunity to hire into that team (only a question of time as
prima donna's will tend to jump ship often in their careers as opposed to transforming the
environment their in), you would need to hire someone that is both capable and yet not
arrogant. You'll know and sense where the sound of your team sounds too harsh or too soft,
too slow and listless or too energetic and chaotic, too inexperienced or too sure of
themselves that the basics are often neglected. As the conductor you must have the
courage to change and improve that unity. Courage also to resist the onslaught of reason
and pressure that requires you to hire quickly to fill the gap - if you don't you'll keep
performing at below par and waste money. Stay calm and stick to your convictions, its
better to hire the right person, someone that fits into the gaps of your team and
additionally someone you like and see yourself getting on with. Your ability to consistently
pick the right people and blend them into your existing team is one of your most important

A conductor also knows and trusts his musicians after all they are the ones producing the
melodies. Our job is to constantly develop and challenge them to achieve better - while
searching and discovering their own ideas about how their environment could be improved.
In showing that we really care, listening and making a real improvement to their
surroundings we enhance the ability we have to form effective teams. Some of the greatest
rewards of our role is seeing the improvement that people have undergone with our help
and how productive and united they have become.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Corporations that block social network tools.....

Can we not be trusted? Have you ever thought that when your corporation blocks access to social networking tools such as msn or facebook they are restricting your ability to problem solve quickly.

IT professionals are usually hired not only for their skills but additionally for their network of people. In restricting this access, then your inhibiting their ability to do what they've been hired by you to do!

Can discussions outside of work really be limited? how about emails from home? they are still subject to the discretion of the employee according to the contract he would've signed on joining the company. So why do we believe that by social network tools at work that we would be controlling what is said?

Then again if its about inhibiting productivity then are you sure you've hired the right people? Can they not be trusted to deliver on their word?